Raphaël Isdant is an artist, teacher and designer of interactive experiences.

In his work, he explores the fragilities of our time linked to the instabilities of digital technology. His practice makes emerge the sensitive territories of the apparent world with that more obscure of the networks. He realized a device to photograph the ghosts of extinct animals according to the red list of the IUCN, a digital heart beating to the rhythm of the seismic activity, an avatar in search of an identity on facebook, a virtual platform linking the children bubbles of the hospitals, or an oracle on the human relations from twitter.

Since 2009, he teaches interactive scripting at the digital pole of the Beaux Arts de Paris and regularly gives workshops in France (UPJV, ECV, EPSAA, EUR ArTec…) and in Asia (SouthEast University at Nanjing in China, University Kun Shan and Shih Chien in Taiwan…).

With the creative studio Active Creative Design, he creates innovative scenographic devices, confronting design and new technologies for museums (Cité des sciences, Palais de la découverte, musée de l’homme…).