The Jellyfish
Artists : Mélodie Mousset and Edo Fouilloux
Sound design interactive: Chris Heinrichs
Développers : Vinicius Pereira Faria and Tom Frackowiak
Technical artist : Victor Beaupuy
Consultant : Morten Thorning
Music : Moises Horta
Diffusor: Fabbula
The jellyfish is a virtual reality experience that invites the audience to dive into the depths of their consciousness in an interactive and hypnotic soundscape.
In a dreamlike underwater state, visitors equipped with VR headsets encounter ghostly sea creatures, luminous jellyfish, who beckon participants to engage in a paralinguistic call and response, using their voices and singing along with them in a hypnotic inter-species choir.
Underwater creatures respond to singing or humming and to a range of variations in the characteristics of vocal dynamics: volume, tempo, pitch fluctuation, continuity, etc.
Through the harmonious interaction and synesthetic exchange between the visitors and the virtual beings, the artists created a sense of connection with another species in a poetic and playful way.
Virtual reality installation
Discover the virtual reality work The Jellyfishevery day from Wednesday to Sunday at Espace Mayenne.
Duration: 15 minutes
Number of attendees : 1