
Text: Hans Christian Andersen

Translation: David Soldi

Game: Eric Jakobiak

Design, staging and digital programming : Georges Gagneré

Musical composition : Tom Mays

Digital programming assistant : Anastasiia Ternova

Movement capture: Remy Gorski

Production : didascalie.net

Co-production : Théâtre na Zhukah (Kharvive-Ukraine) and Mairie of Villiers-Le-Bel

The shadow is a figure that has fascinated humanity since the dawn of time. It is considered to be the origin of the invention of painting and occupies an important place in the psychological development of children, who only understand its principles from the age of 3-4. Attached to each human figure, while remaining fleeting and capricious, the shadow is a mysterious double that has a strong power to solicit the imagination. This led us to use digital shadows to create a theatrical resonance cage for Andersen’s famous tale.

Our digital shadows have a flat human silhouette shape and we call them avatar shadows. Leaving its status of traditional shadow projected on a screen, the ombravatar becomes a real character evolving in 3D. The actor in flesh and blood plays with these entities which evolve in a virtual space projected on a screen at the back of the stage. The actions of the ombravatars are pre-recorded beforehand with a motion capture device, but are manipulated by the actor in real time like puppets, which allows us to keep the essence of the theater: a living interaction between the participants of the show.



Check out this one-hour show in the Forty auditorium on Saturday at 5pm. Registration is free and subject to availability.

Duration: 1h

Number of attendees : 150

From 2000 to 2009, Georges Gagneré He has created 6 plays, based on adaptations of authors such as Georges Perec, Jacques Roubaud, or Léonid Andreïev, at the Théâtre National de Strasbourg, in the Centres Dramatiques Nationaux de Saint-Denis and Dijon, and at La Filature, scène nationale de Mulhouse (of which he was an associate artist from 2003 to 2009). From 2009 onwards, he has devoted himself to research-creation projects, in collaboration with several research laboratories, which allow him to explore in greater depth the relationship between the real and the virtual worlds. He works on the theme of shadow and augmented reality in the project Toute La Lumière Sur L’Ombre (2009-11, with Christian Jacquemin, LIMSI-CNRS laboratory), on telepresence with the project Télélectures (2012-13, with Alexandre Simonet, Médiathèque de Nîmes), on the direction of virtual actors with Variations sur ” La Ronde ” (2014-15, with Rémi Ronfard, IMAGINE-INRIA team), on the interaction between physical actors and avatars with ParOral (2015-16, with Myriam DesainteCatherine, Laboratoire Bordelais de Recherche en Informatique), then La Scène augmentée (2016-18, with Cédric Plessiet, Images Numériques et Réalité Virtuelle (INREV) team of the University of Paris 8). He is co-founder and collaborator of the structure didascalie.net since 2004, and lecturer at the University of Paris 8 in the team INREV.