Juliette Séjourné is an artist and performer intersecting theater, music and art installation.

Graduated from the National Conservatory of Dramatic Art in Paris and ENS (Cachan, Paris-Saclay), she performs in a variety of venues and contexts, from opera houses on international tour (Shanghai, Tianjin and Harbin opera houses) and concert halls (Théâtre des Bouffes du Nord, Théâtre de la Colline, Institut du Monde Arabe…) to interventions in basilicas, cinemas, greenhouses, gardens, social welfare centers, hospitals (Consultations Poétiques du Théâtre de la Ville) and scientific symposia.

Throughout her diverse creations, she investigates the “little inner voice” and its different forms of expression. This question merges with a broader reflection on “attention”: how are we attentive or distracted?