At a time when humanity seems to be facing a possible existential threat, we are creating a poetic work that, we hope, awakens new perspectives on the stakes of a possible disappearance of the human species.
Fossiles questions the purpose of the universe. We explore its history in 7 questions. Is what we perceive of the universe a trajectory towards ever greater sophistication from the big bang to the emergence of the human species? The 13.8 billion years from which we originate are scattered with points of amazement. The more we contemplate the universe, the more belief fades before knowledge. The more explanations we discover, the more questions arise. We find ourselves in a maelstrom of precision that leads us further away from the ‘why.’

Questioning our existence
Fossiles is the second installment of our trilogy ‘Hominines,’ which we initiated in 2021. For each stage of the project’s development, we will employ the same creative process: 7 photographs selected from our ‘Entries into Matter’ repertoire. For Fossiles, we drew from the ‘Asphalts’ series. This collection immerses us in the Paris metro, where imprints, shapes, and marks constitute the substance of its history. We use this particular space-time as a metaphor for the development of the universe.
Ultimately, this results in an exhibition of 7 photographs with augmented reality that allows the viewer to access the video-poems they contain, along with the screening of a video mural on a 7 x 2 m screen. Over a 20-minute loop, the viewer will journey through the evolution of the universe in 7 key points. Also, with ‘Image within the image,’ the viewer will access augmented reality inserts that traverse the mural. Questions or statements embedded within the augmented reality carried by the various mediums.
The artists

After a career dedicated to audiovisual media, notably as the manager of the graphics department at Euronews television channel, I am now fully devoted to digital creation.
Over the past 15 years, I have combined video, photography, motion design, text, and music. These techniques have been employed in artistic performances, web documentaries, and poetic shows. I explore various forms of writing offered by new technologies, particularly augmented reality. Through my work, I aim to surpass the mere technical aspects of the tools employed; they are simply means in service of new forms of storytelling.
Philippe MADILE

A musician/composer and formally trained pianist, holder of the Institut Dalcroze de Genève award, and possessing a DEA in musicology.
Jean-Pierre MAILLET

A digital artist and co-founder of the AliceA association. At 18, self-taught, I entered the realm of creation through imagery and light.