Hekkah, je publie donc je suis

2010-2023, Interactive installation .

Artists : Raphaël Isdant & Thomas Cheneseau

Partners : Festival accès)s( cultures électroniques and Excelia Digital School

Hekkah, je publie donc je suis is an interactive device created by Raphaël Isdant and Thomas Cheneseau. The project proposes a connected digital mirror, reflecting visitors in the form of an avatar tattooed with texts from live exchanges produced by web communities. Hekkah, omniscient and curious digital entity, inhabits social networks in order to feed itself with the stories of our daily life.

The project consists of an interactive video installation and a twitter profile, which interact with each other, publish content and build new relationships online. Between fetishistic bot of the networks and informational sculpture, the project invites to a reflection on a social identity as much isolated as collective, reflection of a human community wishing to expose itself sometimes without limit. Hekkah(backwards Hakkéh or Hackée?) develops moreover a questioning on the influence and the perenniality of the social platforms in order to exploit some drifts of it. https://twitter.com/Hekkah_


Interactive installation

Discover the interactive installation Hekkah, je publie donc je suis, every day from Wednesday to Sunday at Espace Mayenne.

Duration: 10 minutes

Number of attendees : 1

Raphaël Isdant is an artist, teacher and designer of interactive experiences.

In his work, he explores the fragilities of our time linked to the instabilities of digital technology. His practice makes emerge the sensitive territories of the apparent world with that more obscure of the networks. He realized a device to photograph the ghosts of extinct animals according to the red list of the IUCN, a digital heart beating to the rhythm of the seismic activity, an avatar in search of an identity on facebook, a virtual platform linking the children bubbles of the hospitals, or an oracle on the human relations from twitter.

Since 2009, he teaches interactive scripting at the digital pole of the Beaux Arts de Paris and regula(UPJV, ECV, EPSAA, EUR ArTec…) and in Asia (SouthEast University University in Nanjing in China, Kun Shan and Shih Chien in Taiwan…).

With the creative studio Active Creative Design, he creates innovative scenographic devices, confronting design and new technologies for museums (Cité des sciences, Palais de la découverte, musée de l’homme…).
Thomas Cheneseau is an artist, curator and teacher. It is with his hijackings of social networks that he begins his work by producing series of screenshots and performative activities online. In 2011 he made his mark by creating and marketing the Facebook profile of Marcel Duchamp. His research began at the École Nationale Supérieure des Arts Décoratifs de Paris and has resulted in ambitious projects. In 2012 with ARTE he curated and launched the first SuPer Art Modern Museum project, as well as curated the Transnumériques in Brussels. In 2016 the DRAC Nouvelle-Aquitaine commissioned him to be the artistic director of the exhibition Unlike” in Poitiers, and he is an associate curator of the Festival acces)s( in 2020. He is invited as a member of the New Media jury for the OPLINEPRIZE contemporary art prize 2021 edition. He teaches visual culture and technology, as well as advanced generative AI practice at Excelia digital school.